The Benefits of Assisted Living for a Senior after a Stroke

Are you in need of long-term care after high blood pressure caused you to suffer a stroke? If you are a senior and the stroke left you partially paralyzed in a leg, you may want to think about living in an assisted living community. Find out below about the benefits of assisted living after suffering a stroke, as well as whether or not it is covered by health insurance.

How Can a Senior Stroke Victim Benefit from Assisted Living?

When you need long-term care, an assisted living community can satisfy your needs without making it feel like you are living in a nursing home. You will have an actual home that is customized to be handicap accessible. You won't have to worry about nurses checking on you at all hours of the day and night, as they will only come if you need the help. For instance, a nurse can help you move from the couch to your bed since you only have partial movement in one of your legs.

You will also find assisted living beneficial because you can get your blood pressure checked at any time you desire. Keep your blood pressure under control is vital after having a stroke and noticing it getting out of control early can prevent you from having another stroke. The nurses can help lower your blood pressure and call for an ambulance if necessary.

Other helpful benefits that you can consider include

  • Healthy meals
  • Assistance with bathing
  • Help with cleaning your home
  • Help with exercising your limbs
  • Companionship with other seniors
  • Participation in community activities
  • Transportation to health appointments

Does Health Insurance Cover Assisted Living Expenses?

Coverage for assisted living expenses will depend on what kind you of insurance you have. If assisted living is not covered under your insurance policy, you may want to consider applying for Medicare. Being that you need long-term care for stroke symptoms, there is a chance that you will qualify for Medicare. However, your income and age will play a role in getting qualified as well.

To apply for Medicare benefits, you must visit a social services office in your area and fill out an application. Keep in mind that you will have to provide evidence of your income and health condition. Take bank statements, medical records or any other evidence with you to make the application process smoother. Opt for assisted living like Orchard Park so you can keep your independence while also receiving help for your stroke symptoms whenever you need it.

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Tips for Preventing Depression in a Nursing Home

It can be a huge shock to your loved one as they transition from independent living to life in a nursing home. In some people, this can lead to depression. However, there are many things that you, as their family, can do to prevent this from happening. My name is Brittney and I know this all to well. My father transitioned into a nursing home and he began to slide into depression. However, thanks to amazing caregivers and resources on the Internet, we were able to help him live a happy life. I created this website with the hopes of helping others learn what helped us to prevent the same thing from happening to their family.

