Elderly Care: What Are The Real Reasons Behind Your Parent's Anger?

If your elderly parent harasses you about things you didn't do or becomes angry at you for no reason, contact an adult residential care center for assistance. Residential care services help you find out why your parent lashes out at you through counseling and other means. In many cases, your parent's deteriorating mental health may be the reason for their abnormal behavior toward you. 

Why Is Your Parent Angry at You?

Sometimes, elderly individuals lash out at the ones they love because they blame the loved one for something they can't control. For instance, if your parent's living conditions at home interfere with their health, you may suggest that the parent live in a nursing care facility or residential care center for their safety.

Your elderly loved one may disagree with you and lash out because they don't believe you. If the parent harasses you or pushes you away enough, you'll leave them alone so that they can continue living at home. In some cases, your parent can turn other family members against you by lying about you or by creating situations that never occurred.

What Can the Center and Other Specialists Do?

Your local residential care provider offers counseling services to elderly individuals who need immediate intervention. The counseling services involve one-on-one sessions between your elderly parent and a professional psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, doctor, or a residential care specialist who works at the center. The sessions give the center or specialist an opportunity to spot or diagnose the symptoms of dementia, which can go unnoticed until it's too late.

Dementia brings on subtle, yet devastating changes in how elderly people act, reason or think with their loved ones. Your parent's anger and harassment toward you may be one of the beginning stages or symptoms of dementia. 

The center can take steps to move your parent into a safe apartment, as well as provide the necessary dementia treatments they need. With regular treatment, counseling and other helpful services, your parent's anger issues toward you may slowly change because their symptoms are controlled properly.

After your parent moves into the center, make every effort to repair your relationship with them. Ask the center to plan activities that include you. For instance, if your parent loves to play cards or shop, have the center schedule weekly or bi-weekly events for them. Keep up the activities for as long as your parent can do them safely. 

If you need additional help with your angry elderly parent, contact the residential care center like Gateway Living for more information.

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Tips for Preventing Depression in a Nursing Home

It can be a huge shock to your loved one as they transition from independent living to life in a nursing home. In some people, this can lead to depression. However, there are many things that you, as their family, can do to prevent this from happening. My name is Brittney and I know this all to well. My father transitioned into a nursing home and he began to slide into depression. However, thanks to amazing caregivers and resources on the Internet, we were able to help him live a happy life. I created this website with the hopes of helping others learn what helped us to prevent the same thing from happening to their family.

