Struggling With the Recent Loss of a Spouse? Three Important Reasons to Consider an Assisted Living Facility

The death of a spouse is a difficult, but inevitable, part of life that senior couples must face. In addition to the initial sense of grief and loss, surviving spouses may find that the loss of their loved one also affects their daily life, income, and living situation. If you have been recently widowed and feel that your current living situation is less comfortable or secure, here are some important reasons to consider moving from your home to an assisted living facility. 

Freedom from Home Maintenance and Expenses

Many surviving spouses immediately experience intense feelings of pressure or concern about their living situation after their loved one passes. This is especially true in situations where the deceased spouse was the one who attended to most of the home maintenance or repair issues. Without their guidance, the surviving spouse often struggles to schedule or budget for needed home repairs or maintenance. Even relatively normal needs, like mowing the lawn, painting the shutters, or repairing a minor plumbing leak can be difficult to deal with in a timely manner. In situations like this, a surviving spouse may find that selling or renting their current home and moving into an assisted living facility offers them freedom from these types of problems. 

Security and Companionship

Those who are suddenly alone after a long, comfortable marriage can also find themselves struggling with a solitary lifestyle. Loneliness or concerns about personal safety and home security are common for many who have been recently widowed. Many recent widows also find themselves missing the conversation and companionship of their spouse and many find it difficult to remember to prepare and eat balanced meals. Newly widowed spouses who decide to move into an assisted living facility may find that the companionship of others who are facing similar situations can provide a motivating factor for remaining socially active. Many assisted living facilities also provide balanced meals served in a dining room setting that newly widowed seniors can find comforting. 

Ongoing Support With Health and Mobility Issues

Perhaps one of the most important reasons to consider an assisted living facility as a newly widowed senior is the access to support for health or mobility issues that may occur as you age. Seniors who live alone in their own homes may find it difficult to get help with existing or newly developed health and mobility issues, especially if they cannot drive themselves to medical care appointments. When opting to live in an assisted living facility, however, their health can be more easily supported and monitored and care is easier to obtain. 

If you or someone you love has recently lost a spouse after many years together, visiting with the administrator of an assisted living community may be a good idea. Read more here to find out about the additional benefits.

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Tips for Preventing Depression in a Nursing Home

It can be a huge shock to your loved one as they transition from independent living to life in a nursing home. In some people, this can lead to depression. However, there are many things that you, as their family, can do to prevent this from happening. My name is Brittney and I know this all to well. My father transitioned into a nursing home and he began to slide into depression. However, thanks to amazing caregivers and resources on the Internet, we were able to help him live a happy life. I created this website with the hopes of helping others learn what helped us to prevent the same thing from happening to their family.

